The software has been updated to support Windows 8. The working enviroment is Windows 8 + Microsft Access Database.
- Windows 8 operation system have both 32bit and 64bit versions. So the environment for the software is a little different. 32bit OS needs 32bit MS Access database and 64bit MS Access database. For better experience, please install the corresponding Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 with Access database necessary.
- Install the serial port to USB port driver for Windows 8.
- 32bit: USB2.0-Ser! HL-340
- 64bit: CH341SER 64bit
- Install .NET Framework 3.5 or above
When first time to install the software, it prompt to install new version of .NET Framework.

Please download the .NET Framework 3.5 or above.
After the installation of the software, access database and .NET Framework, it must work well.